Thursday, April 30, 2009

Before Empress Dowager

Before Empress Dowager Cixi, the Emperor Guangxu ruled. He was a Qing ruler and he was married to Empress Dowager Cixi, but although they were married she had no power during their marriage. Emperor Guangxu was opposed to the Boxer's rebellion because he was a Christian himself.

Emperor Guangxu only ruled during the first conflict of the Boxer Rebellion, and after was put into house arrest. After put into house arrest, his wife Empress Dowager Cixi took the throne as the defacto ruler of China.

Emperor Gangxu (Right):
Empress Dowager Cixi (Left):

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Chinas River Systems

In the vast expanse of land that China covers, and with the multitude of rivers that China has, its amazing to think that only four of the rivers actually spawned all of the other ones, as well as the almost two billion people that are still alive thanks to these rivers.

The first and the most Southern of the rivers is the Pearl River or the Xi Jiang. It flows into the south China sea, and forms a delta between Gunagzhou, Hong Kong and Macau.

The next river is the Yangtze River. It flows almost the entire length of China from East to West and has the largest hydroelectric dam in the world, the Three Gorges Dam. Next is the Yellow river, and it too shares its output in the Pacific Ocean with the Yangtze. Since the beginning of Chinese culture people have lived here and it is one of the most prosperous areas of China. The last, but not the least is the Heilongjiang. It lies as the border between the Chinese providence of Heilongjiang and Russia, and empties into the Pacific. In Russia, it is called the Amur River.
For more information on the Maps or rivers you can go to:

Monday, April 27, 2009

Beginning of the Boxer Rebellion

The boxer rebellion began as a violent uprising against the not only foreign, but also christian imperialists that were beginning to imperialize in China in the late 1800's and early 1900's.

The boxers were not at first supported by the Guangxu emperor, as he was a reformed man himself, and almost welcomed the Missionaries that the Europeans were bringing to "his" county. And with them being the boxers main target, it was not a welcome thing for his empire.

Friday, April 24, 2009

China Population

China's Population Centers
With being the most populated country in the world, its surprising to find that there are a few rather large areas of china which are uninhabited. Most of China is centered around the South and South-east, which is mostly due to its first true conquerers which settled near the fertile Yellow river and Yangtze river, which even though they had very random patterns, was still an easy place to thrive for the smart people of China. As in most maps, darker areas mean more of a certain thing, in this place, the darkest areas, almost represented by black, are home to more the 900 people per km sq.

The five most populous areas of China each have over 7 million people in them, with the top four each having over 10.

  1. Shanghai- With now near 20 million people shanghai started as one of the most favorable port cities that china had to offer, and it had already a good basis as before it was a fishing and textile town. It is now becoming a major tourist attraction.
  2. Beijing- It is the second biggest city in China with almost 13 million people and is the current capital of China.
  3. Gauangzhou- With nearly 12 million people it is the next biggest city in China. It owes its huge population to it being a port city, on the Pearl river.
  4. Shenzhen-Most of its 11,700,000 people are owed in fact to the massive foreign investments given to its growth and its use as a major inland port.
  5. Dongguan-One of the important cities in the Pearl River Delta, it grew mainly because of how fertile its land is, and because it is one of the most important industrial centers in China, with about 7,650,000 people.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

China, Where is it?

China is located in the North-eastern hemisphere and it is the third biggest country in the world, if some of its territories are included, surpassed by Canada and Russia, and followed by the USA. The total land area of China is about 9,671,018 km squared which is desperatley needed for its over 1,300,000,000 people, most of which is centered in Shanghai.

To the North of china lies Russia and Mongolia, to the North-west is Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and to the North-east is North and South Korea.

To the East of China is only ocean, the Pacific ocean.

South of China is Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand, and to the South-west is Myanmar, Nepal and India.

To the West is Afganistan and Pakistan.

China's most western area is very close to the 75th East line of longitude, and its most northern is near the 50th North. Its southern border is near the 20th North latitude and its most eastern is near the 120th east.